【宁夏大学新闻中心讯 食品与葡萄酒学院】12月12日,国际食品顶级期刊《Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition》(食品科学与工程1区TOP,影响因子11.208)在线发表了题为 “Edible Films/Coatings Containing Bioactive Ingredients with Micro/Nano Encapsulation: A Comprehensive Review of Their Fabrications, Formulas, Multifunctionality and Applications in Food Packaging”的综述论文。

Figure1. (A) The schematic illustration of the preparation of chitosan films with CEO-loaded zein-NaCas nanoparticles (adapted fromHua et al. (2021); (B) Schematic diagram of multistimuli-responsive fiber films by electrospinning (based onAytac et al. (2021)study); (C) Flow chart of preparation of edible film based on nanoliposomes, nanemulsions and Pickering emulsions(Respectively according toWu et al. (2015) andShen et al. (2021) work). (D) A novel composite film could form by extruding the anthocyanins-encapsulated bigels onto polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) using 3D printing approach for monitoring the freshness of fish and meat (Zhai et al., 2022)

Figure2. Schematic diagram of release of BAIs from M/ N-E-BAIs and antibacterial mechanism of BAIs.

Figure3. Schematic diagram of food protection mechanism of edible film/coating containing M/N-E-BAIs
文章从M/N-E-BAIs的制备、含M/N-E-BAIs的食用膜/涂层的制备、多功能表征及其在食品中的应用等方面进行了系统的总结和深入的探讨。论文第一作者是2021级食品科学硕士研究生谢启文,通讯作者是宁夏大学食品与葡萄酒学院刘贵珊教授。该论文是国家级一流专业“食品科学与工程”的标志性成果之一,相关研究工作得到国家自然科学基金项目(No. 31760435)、宁夏回族自治区科技创新领军人才计划等项目资金的支持。